July 7, 2011


is the new place for blogs and all of the goodies that I have for you. so come on over and join me.

June 26, 2011


When you think about school lunch, at this point in our nation's history. Many don't think that school lunch is balanced nor is it nutritious. I beg to differ, having experience in the foodservice industry that caters to the appetites of children in our schools. We the school system, try to definitely focus on the healthy, yet appetizing for our children. Different things have been introduced such as "Healthy Vending". This was made to hold the healthy choices and components to healthy snacking during the day. Opposed to the regular snack machines that hold salt oily potato chips and sugar bogged sodas.

Many things have been changed in the preparation and ordering of the food that has come into the kitchens of our nations schools. Pizzas are now being made with whole wheat flour, vegetarians options are being offered such as, turkey burgers, veggie sticks, veggie chili and etc. These choices are being accepted and liked by many children. Now what the school lunch can not fight, is the unhealthy lunches that are being brought in by students or their parents. In one school day; there are probably around 6-7 parents, who stop at fast food chains and drop it off to their children for lunch. Yet they are in the number of parents that complain the school doesn't offer a healthy choice during the day.

Everyone should make a conscious effort to help the school, school board, parents, and students to eat healthier. The responsibility doesn't just stand with the school. It is an effort for all who are involved.

School Lunch: THINK DEEPER

Let's take a trip down memory lane...Do you remember your school lunch and what you used to eat. I do. In elementary and middle school I ate lunch that was prepared, because I saw nothing wrong with the food that was being served to me. The innocence of a child is great. My first year and a half in high school, I went to a private school. So the lunch was just like home cooking. It was good and everyone ate lunch. Then I transferred to public school and the doubting of what was being served quickly took over. Not because it wasn't food, however it was because my friends opinions mattered to me. Who remembers: Chick filet, Hamburgers, Fries, and Pizza being their daily meal at lunch. I do! In high school I only ate french fries, other wise I was calling out for lunch to be delivered in. None of which was balanced or healthy, but that didn't matter to me at all.
Eating at School
Building a Furture Through Child Nutrition

During you time at school, you were able to get your food, sit down and eat it with no worriers of the time it would take for you to complete your lunch period with a full lunch. In schools this day and age, there are so many students; Your child may come home "starving." You ask your child(ren) why are they hungry, you inquire about lunch time and what they are doing during this time. You are shocked to find out that, the time allotted to them, may not be as accurate as the school may think so.

The National FoodService Management Institute The university of Mississippi was established in 1989. They did a study on Eating at school. The time, duration of service, eating, and socializing that you don't have any clue about, because you are not there with your child. Most children would be able to do anything. Service times in school can directly impact the time your child gets through the lunch line, and how much time it leaves them to socialize. In studying the high, middle, and elementary schools in WA, TX, UT, and NY; Variables such as the number of students released, time of choices to be placed by student, times and dates of lunch.

Below the chats will show in minutes how much lunch time has been crazier and crazier. The graphs show the minutes in color coordination, that some eat and some don't eat.


Having 2.5 minutes to 8.1 minutes for service time, You can imagine this is cut away from the rest of the lunch schedule. During the time at the table, students take to catch up with each other, eat(not digest) food. The its time for them to get up and start moving to their next class. In speaking with Alexis Hitchman,
What do you do most at lunch time?
most of my lunch period is in the lunch line, I spend maybe about 10 minutes at the table and most of that is spent talking  and socializing with other classmates. Now you have the answer to why your child comes home hungry.

June 12, 2011

To Eat or Not to Eat

High Fructose Corn Syrup

Very familiar with the staggering messages that come from this subject. Some say not to eat it at all. Although there are conflicting messages through commercials. 

What do you believe?
Are you worried?
Are you interested?

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) has been used for years, and it was claimed to be the new cheap sweetener. HFCS has been linked to many things such as anemia, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, tooth decay, and many many more. Corn has been proven to be insufficient in 3 or the 8 vitamin needs that are essential for daily intake. SO why do we think that HFCS would be a good thing to put into so many of the products that we consume on a daily basis?
Its the greedy manufactures have gobbled this cheap sweetener up, to make massive amounts of products that we consume daily and allow your families to consume. Don't be deceived, just because HFCS comes from corn, yes it makes it a natural product, however it does not always mean that natural product is Healthy and good for you to eat.  Poison Ivy is a natural plant that grows, however because of the name and effect it has, we know it isn't good for us. Be aware of those things that don't look harmful; they can be. (http://www.naturalnews.com/024466_corn_health_HFCS.html)

Cheaper than Sucrose, HFCS has been placed is so many products such as 
soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi)
fruit juices (Snapple, Ocean Spray Cranberry) and canned fruits
breakfast cereals (Kellogg’s cornflakes)
ice cream and dairy products (Dreyer’s, Yoplait yogurts)
cookies and crackers (Nabisco Ritz crackers)
soups and sauces (Campbell’s vegetable soup)
condiments and salad dressings
baking products and baked goods
candy bars and gum (PowerBar)
jams, jellies and syrup (Smucker’s grape jelly)
cough syrups and low-fat diet foods (Robitussin, Vicks)

Did you know that Fructose can interact with your birth control is you are currently taking it. Something to think about hugh? HFCS can also travel to the liver and increase diabetes and tissue damage. HFCS, isn't something that you want running rampant in your body. You know that if you would like to lose weight, that the biggest things to do are to stop drinking soda and processed fruit juices. You should cleanse your body and drink 8 glasses of water daily. You will be surprised at the change your body will have. So read labels before you just put something to you mouth to eat or drink. Take an active awareness for you health and how HFCS can contribute to some of the things you are currently dealing with. (http://worldevolved.blogspot.com/2009/06/what-are-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn.html)

June 4, 2011

School Lunch: THINK DEEPER

Let's take a trip down memory lane...Do you remember your school lunch and what you used to eat. I do. In elementary and middle school I ate lunch that was prepared, because I saw nothing wrong with the food that was being served to me. The innocence of a child is great. My first year and a half in high school, I went to a private school. So the lunch was just like home cooking. It was good and everyone ate lunch. Then I transferred to public school and the doubting of what was being served quickly took over. Not because it wasn't food, however it was because my friends opinions mattered to me. Who remembers: Chick filet, Hamburgers, Fries, and Pizza being their daily meal at lunch. I do! In high school I only ate french fries, other wise I was calling out for lunch to be delivered in. None of which was balanced or healthy, but that didn't matter to me at all.

We have progressed to the point now, where the Nation as a whole is taking an interest in a Healthier School Lunch. This initiative is also help make school food more attractive to the students that it is intended for. You would be surprised that lack of freshness that some students have experienced. Students are used to apples, oranges, applesauce and other staples that are not exchanged for things such as Peaches.

Chef Tony Geraci brought in 40,000 pounds of tree-ripened, Maryland-grown peaches for students. On that day two years ago, he sat in the cafeteria with several second-graders who were eating fresh peaches for the first time in their lives."One was rubbing a peach along his face, and I said, 'It's supposed to feel like that,' " Geraci remembers. "Another was breathing into the peach, and I said, 'It's supposed to smell like that.' Another was biting into the peach, and the juice was running down his face and arms, and I said, 'It's supposed to taste like that.'" In a country of plenty, everybody should have the experience of tasting the bounty."(http://www.scoolfood.org/go/news/chefs-help-craft-healthier-school-lunches-with-local-food/)
Chefs are taking an interest not only to improve the look of a school lunch plate, but they are taking interest to shake up the menu. Students in school deserve just as much as a customer in a restaurant. If you are packing a lunch for your child. Here are some tips to a Healthy Lunch your child will eat:
Veggies and Dip
Try different fruits
Add Pizazz to an ordinary sandwich
simple beverages
mini deli platter
try alternative proteins
you would be surprised at how their lunch will disappear in the stomachs rather than the trash. Also ask for your child's input. They know what they want to eat and it will shock you at what they may ask for.


Picture Reference:

June 1, 2011


National Iced Tea Month
Turkey Lovers' Month
National Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Month
National Dairy Month
National Soul Food Month

2nd - National Rocky Road Day
6th - National Applesauce Cake Day
7th - National Chocolate Ice Cream Day
17th - Eat Your Vegetables Day
20th - National Ice Cream Soda Day
22nd - National Chocolate Eclair Day
23rd - Kitchen Klutzes of America Day
26th - National Chocolate Pudding Day

You may be asking so what do I do with this month. Well you can pick one thing or a couple of them and celebrate. Its a fun way to incorporate different foods and awareness with your family and friends. ENJOY JUNE!!! Highlighted are some of my most favorite days... What are yours?

Every Month I will be posting what the Food days are in that month, so Look forward to knowing what is to come each month.

May 26, 2011



On a scorcher of a day, who wants to eat hot food or treats? Tying to get out of the heat, celebrate the holiday and relax with friends.  Fruit Kabobs and mix berry frozen yogurt is a great dessert!!


Simple and Easy, this can be done in advance or on the fly.

Your choice of fruit
(pictured): Kiwi, Strawberry, blackberry, and pineapple
mint leaf
plain yogurt
blue berry, raspberry
small/medium ramekins

Wash, peal, and slice selected fruit
place fruit on skewer in desired order
place on sheet pan or serving platter(refrigerate)

Take plain yogurt place in a bowl, add desired berries, mix gently
Scoop yogurt mix into small ramekins(freeze)

(pictured): Rum Carmel Drizzle
Whip cream, carmel sauce, chocolate, or plain.

To serve: Invert frozen yogurt in desired serving vessel, place fruit kabobs over, add mint leaf and serve.



Living in Chesapeake for the majority of my life, I never paid attention to meal tax and the way it can vary from city to city. Living in Virginia, I thought that the meal tax was the same in the Seven Cities. Clearly I was mistaken, and if you didn't know so were you.

Living in Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, and Suffolk you will pay 6.5% in meal tax. Living in Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, and Poquoson you will pay 5.5% meal tax. Believe it or not, our meal tax in the state of Virginia is high that New York.

As I looked at some old receipts from the same restaurant for the exact same meal, the prices were different and I didn't realize it. When you are ordering you really don't take that into consideration.   Originally the meal tax was imposed on those that were coming into the area to enjoy Virginia Beach which would be the tourist. However as it is now, the locals are gobbling up these meal taxes more than the tourist are. The Peninsula also has the higher meal tax rather than the southside.

I asked some of my friends, and they didn't know either. So its interesting, just take a look at your receipts when you are eating in different areas. 

For a full version of this story done by Sandra Parker check out http://www.wvec.com/news/business/Meals-tax-eats-into--122600334.html

May 17, 2011


Fresh Strawberries

Strawberry season is here and the picking has begun.  The young and the young at heart have already been out on the farms, picking what local farmers say is the best crop in a few years. From old family traditions to starting a new one, strawberry picking is one of the oldest family togetherness events.

Mom and Daughter enjoying strawberry picking

Pungo(Virginia Beach) Virginia is known for its many strawberry patches, and the Pungo Strawberry Festival. http://www.PungoStrawberryFestival.info/ People come with their families and friends, to enjoy the many creations that are made from strawberries or to just have a juicy strawberry for itself. I mean who can resist that vibrant red  juicy plump strawberry. It calls your name!

The Hampton Roads Show talked with Cal Schiemann, the Strawberry guy, about this years crop and the upcoming Strawberry Festival. http://www.fox43tv.com/dpp/hr_show/its-strawberry-season  This years crop is looking to be a good one, and the patrons are looking to enjoy them just the same.

If you are looking for a great time with your family and friends, Take some time and travel on down to the Pungo Strawberry Festival May 28-29, 2011 YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!

Fruit Salad w/Strawberries

(Opening)Strawberry Photo courtesy of:

Joy Williams (mom and daughter)

Fruit Salad-Karrin Drake

May 14, 2011



Here locally in Norfolk Virginia The Annunication Greek Orthodox Church Granby Street host their annual Greek Festival http://www.norfolkgreekfestival.com/. This festival has been going on for years. The surrounding areas build with anticipation with the excitement that this festival brings to the area. People from miles around come to enjoy the culture, food, artifacts, and atmosphere of this event. Being a local that is faithful to going, I have had first hand experience.

Greek Salad

The festival is free to the public along with free parking. This festival attracts many people and is typically held from thursday to sat. They offer a variety of things, but most of all hospitality is at the top of their list. The Big tents, lines, smells of food, sounds of music, and appeal of a gathering are amazing. Here at the festival you don't have to be Greek to feel the love of the culture. If you don't have time to stop, get out, and enjoy the festival; for your convenience they have a drive thru line, where you can order and pick up your favorite tasty treats.

Drive-Thru for your pleasure

Wavy TV 10 covered the Festival, here is the story link http://www.wavy.com/dpp/news/local_news/greek-festival-in-norfolk-this-weekend. Enjoy. If you have ever been to this festival or been to any Greek festival, tell me your experience. If you would like to keep up to date with this festival like their Facebook page

Foods: Yummy
Fresh Bread: Tsoureki


Pork Souvlaki



Assorted Pastries


Photos are courtesy of Norfolk Greek Festival Facebook Page:

May 10, 2011



Chef Drake currently residing in Chesapeake Virginia. Chef Drake was raised in Virginia and is a member of Cornerstone City of Refuge Ministries International, Bishop Dannie R. Ducksworth and CoPastor Rebecca Ducksworth. Chef Drake is a proud member of the Elete Delta Psi Epsilon Christian Sorority Inc. Chef Drake has lived in various states including Baltimore Maryland, Madison Wisconsin, and Orlando Florida. Chef Drake earned an Associates degree in Culinary Arts from Le Cordon Bleu Orlando, Bachelor of Science from Scottsdale Culinary Institute and currently  pursuing a Masters degree in Media Journalism from Full Sail University. 

Chef Drake has had amazing opportunities. One of her biggest accomplishments was starting her catering business.  Rinnie's Tasty Delights was formally known as Rinnie's Candies. It was the brain child of Karrin Drake. She fell in love with making candy, when her mentor Annette Hawkins took Karrin under her wing in the process of making candy. When she move to WI, She started her own business of making candy. Due to her love for both candy and food.  She cooked meals and catered events at her school. She was also asked to fix dinners for new parents, retirees, and busy on the go couples of Florida. Chef Drake no longer just made candy, she was cooking food as well. In the past five years Chef Drake has had the opportunity to Judge cuisine competitions, chili cook offs, pie competitions. Chef Drake has also been recognized for her uncanny take on food and its preparation. She has been awarded the Post Secondary Excellence Award, Outstanding Student Award. She has had the opportunity to work along side Roc the winner of Hell's Kitchen, Martin Yan of Yan can cook, Austalis Baramundi Company, American Culinary Federation Convention Master Chef Jason Hall,Pastry Chef Michelle Garcia of Bleeding Heart Bakery food network challenge contestant and winner, and many more. 

Chef Drake's future plan include becoming a food journalist. Giving valuable information to the masses through her own website, column, guest writings, and presentations. Through her experience in the foodservice industry with serving children of all ages. She has found a passion to help children make better choices in foods, by teaching, showing, and leading by example that healthy food can be just as attractive and enjoyable.

Please feel free to contact me